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Author Archives: Maurine Jeude
Opportunities come to those in the know, but keeping up can be a daunting endeavor. The red-hot Seattle economy only adds to the challenge. To the rescue: Seattle Market Digest The Seattle Market Digest is a monthly compilation of the ups and downs and comings and goings in greater Seattle’s retail, travel, real-estate development and…
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Seattle market #1 for Documentary viewing and #2 for Science-Fiction If you are what you consume, then Seattle’s TV viewing habits are totally in sync with its reputation as a well-educated and high-tech mecca. According to the most recent Nielsen Scarborough Research Study, Seattle-Tacoma ranks first among the top 15 markets in the nation for…
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At the end of December 2014 I wrote an article on the last Baby Boomers turning 50. It documented the spending power and immense opportunity of this generation, which is largely ignored by advertisers (only 10% of marketing dollars target this demographic). A new report by the Fung Business Intelligence Centre reiterates that the Baby Boomer…
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Baby Boomers are the new 18–49! As of 11:59pm tonight, the last of the Baby Boomers turns 50! It seems only fitting that we end 2014 with a salute to those who make up more than one-third of the adult population in the Seattle market, and nationally control approximately 80% of personal financial assets, 60%…
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All tapped out Budweiser is losing its market share among 21–27-year-old Millennials and its place on bar-tap line up to craft brews in many markets. According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, some 44% of these coveted drinkers have never tried Budweiser. Bud Light took the top tap in Anheuser-Busch InBev NV’s product line-up…
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Seems quite a few of the market’s registered voters forgot to show up at the polls for the primary. That leaves a number of races in a dead heat. If you are tasked at getting the word out to voters about your candidate or initiative, or just curious how political leaning translates to media preferences,…
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Written on
July 29, 2014 by
Maurine Jeude in
Activities and Events Attended,
Consumer Behavior,
Media Planning and Buying,
Politics and Voting,
Purchasing Behavior,
Reeling in the Years: Classic Rock and Seattle A life well-lived is a constant stream of “firsts,” some welcome and exhilarating, and some not so welcome and disquieting. The latter includes the first time the music of your youth is referred to as “classic rock.” Want your mind blown? The baby on the album cover…
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Written on
June 26, 2014 by
Maurine Jeude in
Media Planning and Buying,
Seattle Economy,
Social Media,
2013 was a year media companies were happy to have behind them. Fitful at best, most saw their revenues stall or decline. It was particularly so with Seattle media; by year end, ad spending was off 5.8% from 2012 with the most significant losses in, of all media, local spot television. One could almost hear…
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In a near perfect merging of polar opposites, video and statistics, Shutterstock, with data partner comScore and others, has created a video infographic called “Show Me Something” that highlights the exponential growth and engagement power of online video. Take a minute to watch the video; it’s a compelling story based mostly on comScore’s Video Metrix product and…
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In the summer of 2012, at the height of the possibility of a return of an NBA basketball team to the Seattle market, I suggested the city needed to quit focusing on the challenges that come with building a new arena (and NBA and NHL franchises) and open its visionary eyes to the opportunities and…
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