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Author Archives: Maurine Jeude

Media Planning: A Legend, Slapdashery, Bandied Buys and An Offer to Help

The loss of a leg­end It was with great sad­ness that I learned of the recent pass­ing of media research leg­end and men­tor to many, Erwin Ephron. I nev­er met Mr. Ephron, but hear­ing of his pass­ing feels like I lost an admired col­league. I dis­cov­ered his writ­ings ear­ly in my career and lat­er made…

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KMTT-FM The Mountain is no more

103.7 The Moun­tain ends its schiz­o­phrenic for­mat streak and becomes Rhyth­mic Hot AC The unof­fi­cial end of sum­mer isn’t the only thing Labor Day sig­nals. As is true with many long hol­i­day week­ends, it’s also when radio sta­tions make changes in prepa­ra­tion for the fall book, as well as do some jock­ey­ing to posi­tion them­selves to…

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Seattle Market Review: All That Glimmers is not Economic Gold

It’s been a while since I lament­ed the state of Seat­tle’s local econ­o­my and the con­tin­ued dec­i­ma­tion of the nation’s eco­nom­ic back­bone – small busi­ness­es, and with it the mid­dle class. So after a hia­tus due to some shuf­fling of work pri­or­i­ties accom­pa­nied by fits and starts, plus a recov­ery from knee surgery, Seat­tle Media…

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Where will all the KPTK-AM Listeners Go?

After days of pan­icked spec­u­la­tion and a call-let­ter change to KFNQ in Novem­ber, CBS Radio offi­cial­ly announced the switch of KPTK-AM from a Pro­gres­sive Talk for­mat to a CBS Sports sta­tion (brand­ing it “The Fan”), effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1, 2013. This fol­lows the same for­mat switch (but to FOX Sports) that took place in Port­land, OR

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Politics Not As Usual

If you watched any TV at all pri­or to the Novem­ber elec­tion, this news might be astound­ing to you: Accord­ing to a recent Mar­ket Pro­file from Media Life Mag­a­zine, tele­vi­sion polit­i­cal adver­tis­ing was down in the Seat­tle mar­ket in 2012 – almost 25% from the antic­i­pat­ed $45 mil­lion expect­ed. While it appeared the air­waves were…

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Revving up for a Recovery: Seattle Market Review, October 2012

There is a lot going on in and around the mar­ket that the­o­ret­i­cal­ly is posi­tion­ing it to go full throt­tle once we get a go sig­nal on the recov­ery. While we wait, the Seat­tle mar­ket con­tin­ues to sput­ter along, look­ing one minute like the lead car and the next as run­ning on fumes. As not­ed in…

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Technology Sector Masks High Seattle Unemployment: Seattle Market Review, September 2012

After a jaw-drop­ping drub­bing at the first pres­i­den­tial debate, the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion dug deep for some good news and came up with a drop in the unem­ploy­ment rate, to 7.8%. Seat­tle Media Maven remains uncon­vinced and eager­ly awaits the adjust­ed fig­ures, like­ly to be released some­time after Novem­ber 6th. Accord­ing the Labor Depart­ment, about 15%…

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Up, Down, Sideways – It’s Anyone’s Guess: Seattle Market Review, August 2012

While Seat­tle con­tin­ues to chalk up some impres­sive rank­ings and rev­enue suc­cess­es, the bot­tom line is that the recov­ery, if that is what you want to call it, has all but flat-lined with min­i­mal growth and lim­it­ed con­fi­dence across the nation. Recent news arti­cles high­light­ing weak real income, scarce jobs, inven­to­ries out­pac­ing sales and a…

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KVI-AM Returns to Lucrative Conservative-Talk Roots

After spend­ing the past two years as first an Oldies sta­tion and then slid­ing back into a Lifestyle/Talk for­mat last Novem­ber, KVI-AM 570 has returned to its con­ser­v­a­tive roots. All the famil­iar con­ser­v­a­tive voic­es will be return­ing, includ­ing local polit­i­cal wonk John Carl­son who has spent the 20-month hia­tus on sis­ter sta­tion KOMO-AM. The line-up…

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Bright Spot in a Dismal Economy: Seattle Market Review, July 2012

The lat­est Seat­tle Mar­ket Review is now avail­able and chock full of activ­i­ty. Here are a few high­lights: The Seat­tle mar­ket con­tin­ues its flir­ta­tion with opti­mism this month, pulling in the #1 rank­ing for America’s top tech city and rank­ing #2 for the nation’s wage growth. On the home front, with a wel­come sign on…

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