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Demographics Archives - SeattleMediaMaven

Category Archives: Demographics

Seattle’s curiosity and quirkiness highlighted in TV viewing choices

Seat­tle mar­ket #1 for Doc­u­men­tary view­ing and #2 for Sci­ence-Fic­tion If you are what you con­sume, then Seattle’s TV view­ing habits are total­ly in sync with its rep­u­ta­tion as a well-edu­­cat­ed and high-tech mec­ca. Accord­ing to the most recent Nielsen Scar­bor­ough Research Study, Seat­­tle-Taco­­ma ranks first among the top 15 mar­kets in the nation for…

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Engage Baby Boomers to Boost Your Bottom Line

At the end of Decem­ber 2014 I wrote an arti­cle on the last Baby Boomers turn­ing 50. It doc­u­ment­ed the spend­ing pow­er and immense oppor­tu­ni­ty of this gen­er­a­tion, which is large­ly ignored by adver­tis­ers (only 10% of mar­ket­ing dol­lars tar­get this demo­graph­ic). A new report by the Fung Busi­ness Intel­li­gence Cen­tre reit­er­ates that the Baby Boomer…

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Youngest Baby Boomers Turn 50

Baby Boomers are the new 18–49! As of 11:59pm tonight, the last of the Baby Boomers turns 50! It seems only fit­ting that we end 2014 with a salute to those who make up more than one-third of the adult pop­u­la­tion in the Seat­tle mar­ket, and nation­al­ly con­trol approx­i­mate­ly 80% of per­son­al finan­cial assets, 60%…

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Holiday Favorite Clydesdales Put Out to Pasture as Budweiser Taps Younger Market

All tapped out Bud­weis­er is los­ing its mar­ket share among 21–27-year-old Mil­len­ni­als and its place on bar-tap line up to craft brews in many mar­kets. Accord­ing to a recent Wall Street Jour­nal arti­cle, some 44% of these cov­et­ed drinkers have nev­er tried Bud­weis­er. Bud Light took the top tap in Anheuser-Busch InBev NV’s prod­uct line-up…

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Seattle Media Spotlight: Classic Rock KZOK-FM

Reel­ing in the Years: Clas­sic Rock and Seat­tle A life well-lived is a con­stant stream of “firsts,” some wel­come and exhil­a­rat­ing, and some not so wel­come and dis­qui­et­ing. The lat­ter includes the first time the music of your youth is referred to as “clas­sic rock.” Want your mind blown? The baby on the album cover…

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Where will all the KPTK-AM Listeners Go?

After days of pan­icked spec­u­la­tion and a call-let­ter change to KFNQ in Novem­ber, CBS Radio offi­cial­ly announced the switch of KPTK-AM from a Pro­gres­sive Talk for­mat to a CBS Sports sta­tion (brand­ing it “The Fan”), effec­tive Jan­u­ary 1, 2013. This fol­lows the same for­mat switch (but to FOX Sports) that took place in Port­land, OR

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KVI-AM Returns to Lucrative Conservative-Talk Roots

After spend­ing the past two years as first an Oldies sta­tion and then slid­ing back into a Lifestyle/Talk for­mat last Novem­ber, KVI-AM 570 has returned to its con­ser­v­a­tive roots. All the famil­iar con­ser­v­a­tive voic­es will be return­ing, includ­ing local polit­i­cal wonk John Carl­son who has spent the 20-month hia­tus on sis­ter sta­tion KOMO-AM. The line-up…

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It’s Time for Lesser Seattle to Find a New Small Town

Except for the World’s Fair in 1962, Less­er Seat­tle in all its short-sight­ed­­ness has dom­i­nat­ed the city’s vision, or lack there­of, when it comes to the big ideas. If the pro­posed Son­ics are­na falls vic­tim to the usu­al 15-min­utes-of-fame Sports naysay­ers, the hand­wringers who just can’t help them­selves and the often polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed chest-thumpers, it…

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Seattle Media Spotlight: KISW-FM

                        Hard-work­ing, Blue-Col­lar KISW-FM Rocks Steady As I was watch­ing Rock of Ages at the movie the­ater, it brought to mind Seattle’s annu­al sum­mer duel between radio’s Active Rock and Soft Adult Con­tem­po­rary for­mats. The Spring Arbi­tron PPM rat­ings once again have KISW-FM and…

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Seattle Media News and Notes, February 2012

Seat­tle warms up with KRWM-FM 106.9 in Feb­ru­ary PPM rat­ings I hope you weren’t hold­ing your breath over AM radio’s come­back when KOMO-AM took the top spot, and first-ever Arbi­tron PPM win, in Jan­u­ary. Its reign was cut short as the sta­tion dropped back to a more typ­i­cal #5 rank­ing in Feb­ru­ary with a 4.7.…

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